product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-17

크리스탈 트로피

홈페이지 >  제품 >  트로피 & 상 >  크리스탈 트로피

Small Bridge 맞춤형 개인 상표 전문 의식 시상 트로피 결혼식 시상 맞춤형 크리스탈 트로피 선물 상자 포함

이름: 3D 크리스탈 트로피 브랜드 이름: Small-Bridge Crystal Handicrafts CO.,LTD 크기: S/M/L 색상: 투명 사용: 크리스탈 명예 컵 선물 기술: 절단, 갈기 및 연마 조각: 연마 결제: 30% T/T ...
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product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-28
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-29
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-30
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-31
3d 크리스탈 트로피
브랜드 이름 :
스몰브릿지 크리스탈 핸디크래프트 주식회사
크기 :
S / M은 / L
크리스탈 컵 선물 명예
기술 :
자르고, 갈고, 닦다
지불 :
선불 30%T/T, 상품이 배송 준비가 되면 잔액 지불
생산 능력 :
50000pcs / 월
세부 사항을 포장 :
리드 타임 :
8-30일, 주문 수량에 따라 달라집니다.
FOB 포트:
상하이나 닝보.
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-32
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-33
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-34
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-35
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-36
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-37
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-38
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-39
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-40
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-41
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-42
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-43
product small bridge custom private label professional ceremony award trophy wedding award custom crystal trophy with gifts box-44

무료 견적 받기

담당자가 곧 연락드리겠습니다.
회사 이름
관심 있는 분야를 알려주세요(선택사항)

저작권 © Pujiang Small-Bridge Crystal Handicrafts Co., Ltd. 모든 권리 보유 -  개인정보 처리방침